Online Classes

In response to the COVID19 Pandemic, we had to cancel what would have been our first shows in Birmingham and Eastbourne in 2020. Instead, we moved our activities online so that young people could continue to dance and connect with each other throughout lockdown. We developed multiple series of Online Classes which are still being used by schools as a resource for remote and in-person PE/Dance lessons.

Online Classes Gallery

Join in with our online class by clicking on the video below! For more, email us at [email protected]

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We also set up our own global online dance show, which featured 19 schools/groups from across the UK as well as India, Australia and Switzerland.

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The Let’s Dance Trust are grateful to the Brighton based “Merry Men Society” for their generous donation towards the Virtual Dance Show costs. The “Merry Men” help young people reach their sporting and artistic potential and we are incredibly grateful for their financial and moral support.